WISE Scholars Foundation has a team of educators and business professionals dedicated to our mission and motto of “Preparing Today for Higher Education Tomorrow.”
Individuals associated with WISE Scholars Foundation empathize with the necessity of early educational motivation.
Furthermore, we believe that all individuals can learn finish high school given the appropriate motivation, mentorship, planning, and resources.
To this end, WISE Scholars Foundation has successfully assisted several prior high-school dropouts with obtaining their general education diploma (GED). We have worked with individuals ranging from ages 16 to 65.
WISE Scholars Foundation is dedicated to helping individuals achieve the ultimate goal of going to college or smoothly transitioning into the workforce.
WISE Scholars Foundation has developed supplementary resources and individualized education plans (IEPs) for those individuals who have encountered past learning difficulties or have been considered “at-risk.”
We want to ensure that our clients receive the necessary implementations to perform consistently at or above grade appropriate level.
Some highlights are monetary scholarships for travel, books, and fees; stipends for tuition and living expenses; recruitment tours to various Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); tutorial services in any subject or on any level; international student exchange opportunities; access to a database of mentors from all walks of life; employment opportunities; guidance and follow-up; and community outreach opportunities.
WISE Scholars Foundation has several sister companies to assist in this doable endeavor. Among them are: WISE Scholars Publishing, which publishes literary selections for the young reader and adult reader; WISE Scholars Mentors, a database and resource (of educators, professionals, grassroots community members, etc.) to provide mentorship, guidance, and follow-up; WISE Scholars Films, a production company that produces community and educational documentaries; and WISE Scholars Academy, a public boarding school that will also serve as a college preparatory that WISE Scholars Foundation future plans of petitioning to open in Tuskegee, Alabama and Atlanta, Georgia.